Brighton & Hove City Council


Policy & Resources Committee


4.00pm21 January 2021






Present:   Councillor Mac Cafferty (Chair) Druitt (Joint Deputy Chair), Gibson (Joint Deputy Chair), Platts (Opposition Spokesperson), Bell (Group Spokesperson), Allcock, Clare, Miller, Yates and Appich


Also present:  Dr Sasidharan, Standing Invitee












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8Brighton & Hove Climate Assembly


125.1  The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture which formally welcomed the final report on the Brighton and Hove Climate Assembly and the interim report of the Youth Climate Assembly, noted the findings, noted the initial city council response and requested that officers consider the findings in the development of the Carbon Neutral Plan, fifth Local Transport Plan and the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan.


125.2  Councillor Platts welcomed the report and was proud of what had already been achieved and that the Council had been able to deliver the Climate Assembly on-line. It was important to raise awareness of the relevant issues, and consideration should be given to how that could be done particularly for those who did not access to the internet such as information being available in libraries. She thanked all officers involved and members of the cross-party working group.


125.3  Councillor Gibson welcomed the report and that all parties were working together. He said that it was important to accept this was now an emergency and to respond accordingly. He said that there many active groups in the city and it was important to include them and harness their enthusiasm in work being undertaken to have a carbon neutral city by 2030.  He noted the funding which would be available next year and suggested that the Council build up reserves for future expenditure.


125.4  Councillor Miller welcomed the report and noted that this country was the first to commit to being carbon neutral by 2050 and he wanted the City to be the greenest Council. He said that it was important to ensure the recommendations were pushed forward and to continue the consultation with the Climate Assembly.


125.5  Councillor Clare thanked the Youth Council for their involvement and said how important it was to consult with young people in the City and looked forward to receiving the final report from the Youth Climate Assembly.


125.6  Councillor Bell said he welcomed the report and the work being undertaken and that it was in the interest of everyone to work together and to start addressing the issues now.


125.7  Councillor Druitt said that there was a climate emergency, and this was opportunity to improve things, and it was important that if the report was agreed that the actions were implemented.


125.8  The Chair thanked everyone who was involved and for the huge amount of work which was being done and gave his commitment to look at the recommendations as part of the Council’s future plans.


125.9  Councillor Platts requested that the report be referred for information to the next meeting of Full Council.


125.10 RESOLVED: That the Committee –


(i)            Welcomed the final report of the Brighton & Hove Climate Assembly (Findings Report attached in Appendix 1) and the interim report of the Youth Climate Assembly (attached in Appendix 2);


(ii)          Noted the findings of the Brighton & Hove Climate Assembly, including the Assembly’s 10 key recommendations that are set out on page 4 of the Climate Assembly report at Appendix 1, and notes the interim findings of the Youth Climate Assembly at Appendix 2;


(iii)         Noted the initial response of the city council as set out in Appendix 3;


(iv)         Requested that officers consider the findings of the Brighton & Hove Climate Assembly and the Youth Climate Assembly in the development of the 2030 Carbon Neutral Plan.





